Home Pond

Half a million people in the United Kingdom live in a care home.

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of care homes which are considered 'inadequate' by the CQC has trebled whilst the number of job vacancies in the care industry has nearly doubled. 

Pond House had experienced a number of years of consistent staffing, with key support workers being largely unchanged. This began to shift in the summer of 2021 when almost a dozen staff resigned in quick succession. 

A CQC inspection in March 2022 determined that Pond House was no longer able to provide adequate care for its residents, and was placed into special measures.

In the preceding six months, long dormant behavioural issues of the service users at Pond House had re-emerged, including more violent tendencies, smearing and urination.

Following similar issues at other care homes nearby, some houses are now facing closure with residents being relocated outside of the county, away from their families and the support staff who know them best.

April 2022


This project was unexpectedly cut short when I began a new job, but this story is one which will continue for decades to come. 

The issues currently faced by Pond House have not been caused by the pandemic, and most have been there for years, but the pandemic has exacerbated and accelerated many of the problems. 

In the short time since I left Pond House more staff have
departed, some to different care homes and some to new career paths. 

The only constant in any care home is that the people who make a difference to the lives of those in care continue to be unappreciated and underpaid, whilst CEOs and politicians earn hundreds of thousands of pounds each year. 

The crisis in care will never change until this balance is
addressed and a career in care is a viable option for those who want to support their own families, as well as the most vulnerable in society.

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