Land For Sale

Cornwall is in the midst of a housing crisis. From a report in 2020, Cornwall was found to have the most empty houses of any area in England. 

More than 18000 houses in Cornwall are empty, almost 14000 of which are second homes. 
In the past two years, the number of rental listings in the duchy has decreased by 49% as an increasing number of landlords discover they can make hundreds of thousands of pounds a year by renting out a property to holiday makers on Airbnb instead of offering a family a home. 

Cornwall Council’s strategy to tackle this issue has been to build several thousand more houses on Greenfield sites, areas which have never been built on before. 
‘Land For Sale’ is a project which documents these disappearing landscapes.

Land For Sale: Langarth. 3500 houses

Land For Sale: Langarth. 3500 houses.

Land For Sale: Nansledan. 4000 houses.

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